I-SEM in Review: Week 19

Market Summary
  • Wind produced 0.70GW (All Ireland) on average throughout the week, 13% down from the week 18.
  • Day Ahead price up 5% from the week 18. (Average €51.82/MWh, Max €93.20/Mwh and Min €27.83/MWh)
  • NIV positive (short) for 226 times and negative (long) for 110 times.
  • Negative SIP accounted for 1 block throughout the week with an average price of €55.40/Mwh (Max €453.75/MWh and Min -€12.25/MWh).
  • Average Gas price (NBP front month) dropped down 2% from the week 18 with an average price of  33.00 p/th (Max 34.10p and Min 31.90p).


Overview of Market Prices
GWh 4.08 5.15 2.87
GWh 0.70 2.31 0.04
MWh 5.97 63.42 -46.55 226 110
EUR/MWh 51.82 93.20 27.83 336
GBP/thp 33.00 34.10 31.90
EUR/MWh 55.40 453.75 -12.25 355 1


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